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湖泊富营养化导致沉水植被大面积衰退和群落逆向演替,诱发一系列次生环境问题,并严重影响到水域生态环境质量.为了从对植物表型生长与C-N代谢生理指标影响的角度深度揭示富营养化水体中沉水植被的致衰退机制,本文以我国长江中下游淡水湖泊常见沉水植物优势种群——苦草(Vallisneria natans)为研究对象,利用L_(16)(4~5)正交试验设计方法,实验模拟研究富营养化水体中低氧、高铵和低光3种重要因素对苦草生长与C-N代谢生理指标的胁迫影响特征.本试验设置了3因素4水平,分别为4个低光照强度(50%、40%、30%和20%自然光照)和4个高铵浓度水平(0.5、1、2和4 mg/L)以及4个低氧处理浓度(7.5、6.5、5.5和4 mg/L).结果显示:光照强度低于30%、溶解氧浓度低于5.5 mg/L时,植株生长与C代谢受阻严重,碳水化合物储存量降低;铵态氮1.0 mg/L时,苦草N代谢活跃,游离氨基酸(FAA)含量明显升高,可溶性糖(SC)/FAA比降低,淀粉呈降低趋势.研究表明富营养湖泊中苦草的衰退是多种因素综合作用的结果,低氧、高铵与低光均会对苦草的生长与C-N代谢产生不利影响;受损沉水植被在藻-草稳态转换的富营养化湖泊中应通过控制水体高铵浓度,严控低氧出现,及时提高水下照度或透明度(如控磷)来予以保护和科学管理;而在次生裸地且藻类占优势的富营养化水体中沉水植被的恢复与重建过程不仅要降低水体营养盐水平尤其是氨氮的水平,还应着重考虑如何有效提高水下光强与溶解氧浓度,并将如上环境因子控制在一定变幅范围内,且控制条件应原则上严于保护受损沉水植被所需的条件.  相似文献   
伴随着全球气候变化的日益加剧,过量CO2排放所导致的海洋酸化和暖化现象已引起广泛关注。本研究设置了两个pH水平(pH 8.1和pH 7.6)和两个温度梯度(20.0和23.0℃),以探讨海水酸化和温度升高对日本鼓虾(Alpheus japonicus Miers)氧化应激和能量代谢过程的影响。结果发现,海水酸化、热应激以及海水酸化和热应激复合胁迫能够诱导日本鼓虾产生不同程度的氧化应激现象,且海水酸化和热应激对过氧化氢酶(Catalase,CAT)活性、还原型谷胱甘肽(Glutathione,GSH)含量和还原型谷胱甘肽与氧化型谷胱甘肽比值(Glutathione/Oxidized Glutathione,GSH/GSSG)有交互作用;其中,海水酸化和热应激复合暴露导致鼓虾GSH含量较对照组水平降低了66.0%,GSH/GSSG比值降低为对照组水平的20.8%,而脂质过氧化水平则较对照组显著增加了51.4%。此外,海水酸化和热应激复合暴露能够导致日本鼓虾己糖激酶(Hexokinase,HK)活性的显著增强和蛋白质含量的显著降低,提示鼓虾通过调节糖酵解过程和能量储备来满足机体的能量代谢需求。上述结果表明,短期海水酸化和热应激暴露能够影响日本鼓虾的抗氧化防御体系、能量代谢过程以及能量储备能力,长期持续暴露可能会对其种群维持构成潜在威胁。  相似文献   
城市化进程提升促使城市环境污染加剧、能源消耗激增、人口密度过大等问题的深层次原因在于城市代谢失调。为精准预测北京市城市代谢变化趋势,论文通过能源消费量及人类活动时间指标测算了1980—2016年北京市体外能代谢率,表征城市代谢程度。据此运用长短期记忆神经网络模型(LSTM)预测了2017—2022年北京各部门体外能代谢率。结果表明:① 基于长短期记忆神经网络的城市代谢预测模型精度较高,能够对北京各部门体外能代谢率进行更为精准的预测;② 2017—2022年间,北京第一产业和总体外能代谢率呈下降趋势,其中第一产业在2017年达到峰值,第二、第三产业及生活部门体外能代谢率将呈现增长趋势。③ 除第一、第三产业和总体外能代谢率外,历史变化的时间扰动幅度先小后大。④ 对各部门体外能代谢率EMRT的影响贡献度最大的因子为第二产业体外能代谢率EMR2,最小的为第一产业体外能代谢率EMR1。论文研究结果可为政策制定者优化城市管理方案、提升城市综合实力提供理论依据和决策支持。  相似文献   
文章结合模拟升温和营养盐加富, 于2016年8月和2017年1月研究了夏季和冬季大亚湾海域浮游生物群落代谢特征, 以期深入了解浮游生物对升温和富营养化作用的响应机制。结果表明: 升温和营养盐输入均会影响浮游生物总初级生产力(GPP)和群落呼吸率(CR), 且GPP对环境的响应更敏感。夏季GPP除在培养前期(24h)极高温条件下受到显著抑制外, 营养盐输入的影响比温度的影响作用更显著; 而冬季GPP和CR受升温效应的影响显著(p<0.05)。总体看来, 升温效应和营养盐输入均能影响浮游生物群落碳代谢平衡, 导致海洋生态系统的稳定性降低, 进而影响海洋生物多样性以及渔业资源产出的数量和质量。  相似文献   
Environmental influences (temperature and oxygenation) on cod metabolism and their impact on the ecology of this species were investigated. Limiting oxygen concentration curves (O2 level ranging between 15 and 100% air saturation) were established at 2, 5 and 10°C. The standard metabolic rate (SMR), the maximum metabolic rate and the metabolic scope were then modelled as functions of temperature and/or oxygen saturation. The mean SMR at 2, 5 and 10°C were 19.8±4.9, 30.8±6.1 and 54.3±4.1 mg O2 h−1 kg−1, respectively. Between 2 and 5°C, the active metabolic rate of cod almost doubled from 65 to 120 mg O2 h−1 kg−1, to reach 177 mg O2 h−1 kg−1 at 10°C. In terms of metabolic scope (MS), the temperature rise from 2 to 5°C resulted in a two-fold increase from 45 to 89 mg O2 h−1 kg−1, with MS reaching 123 mg O2 h−1 kg−1 at 10°C. Our proposed model describing the impact of temperature and oxygen level provides new insight into the energetic interactions which govern the relationship between Atlantic cod and its environment. We re-examined published experimental and field studies from the angle of the regulation of metabolic power. We suggest that, when faced with heterogeneous or unstable hydrological conditions, cod tend to behaviourally maximise their metabolic scope. Through this adaptive response, fish reduce energy budgeting conflicts and presumably increase the probability of routinely operating away from lethal boundaries.  相似文献   
文章研究了温度升高对一种造礁石珊瑚——丛生盔形珊瑚(Galaxea fascicularis)的两种形态型(H和S型)代谢和共生藻光合生理的影响。研究显示H型和S型对升温的生理响应差异明显: 在虫黄藻水平上, H型丢失了大量的虫黄藻, 减轻了共生体呼吸代谢的负荷; S型中虫黄藻数目尚可维持共生体呼吸代谢的需求, 同时提高叶绿素b含量增强光的吸收。在宿主水平上, H型充分利用虫黄藻输送的营养物质, 并通过异养摄食补偿能量消耗; S型宿主所储存的营养物质可以协助共生体适应热环境。结果表明, 丛生盔形珊瑚两种形态型通过不同的能量利用方式适应环境的变化, H型倾向于维持共生体的代谢平衡, 而S型倾向于提高共生藻的能量分配。  相似文献   
The Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) biogeochemical model (LBM) was applied at different temporal and spatial scales in 17 Italian lagoons of the LaguNet network (http://www.dsa.unipr.it/lagunet). A series of alternative assumptions taking into account benthic vegetation and sedimentary fluxes were introduced and compared with the classical LBM approach at various time scales. The reliability of the LBM application to the seventeen Italian lagoons was tested by comparison to a pool of shallow coastal systems from the global LOICZ database with comparable depths and sizes. The nutrient loads of the Italian sites can be considered relatively low, particularly for dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP). Although the median values of estimated internal transformations (source-sink) of both dissolved inorganic phosphorous and nitrogen at the LaguNet sites were comparable with the selected LOICZ sites, the positive and negative extreme values were one order of magnitude lower. Overall, the LBM applications to the Italian sites gave good quality budgets for shallow systems subjected to relatively low nutrient inputs and with a wide range of primary producer communities, including seagrass, macroalgae and phytoplankton. Furthermore, stoichiometry of Carbon:Nitrogen:Phosphorous for the different primary producer groups allowed the integration of previous studies by identifying a series of relationships between nutrient loads and ecosystem functions.  相似文献   
Organic matter was studied in the turbidity maximum zone (TMZ) of the Seine Estuary during 8 tidal cycles from April to October in 2001, 2002 and 2003, covering a salinity range from 0 to 27. The hydrological conditions were quite varied (extremely wet in 2001, unusually dry in 2003). A particularly striking feature is the high organic matter content in the suspended solids (SS) of the Seine estuary (4–5%).  相似文献   
We developed a new methodology to determine CO2 fluxes in intertidal and shallow subtidal plant communities, namely seagrasses, both when the plants are submerged and when they are air-exposed. The apparatus comprises closed incubation chambers and a gas exchange column, designed to remove carbon dioxide from the water. Different types of incubation chambers were designed and built to adapt the system to distinct environments and incubation requirements. The methodology was tested under a comprehensive range of situations and its advantages and limitations are discussed. Overall, the method provides precise measurements of community carbon dioxide fluxes, through a fast and non-intrusive process, allowing repeatable in situ measurements of carbon uptake both in submerged and air-exposed conditions. As the experimental apparatus is identical, directly comparable measurements of air-exposed and submerged community production may be obtained, allowing sound estimates of daily carbon budgets of intertidal and shallow subtidal communities.  相似文献   
本文测定了西沙群岛永乐环礁现代鳞砗磲壳的碳,氧,锶同位素组成。碳,锶同位素组成呈现以年为周期的规律性变化。  相似文献   
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